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Albert mathew

Indian, big nose

oi oi, he has a big nose, he must be an albert mathew styll...

by josh downes September 13, 2021

10👍 2👎

albert mathew

believe it or not he still has a big nose and is actually still indian

albert mathew + nose = huge

by josh downes April 4, 2022

albert mathew

still indian and still has a big nose

oi oi albert mathew still has a massive nose (cock)

by josh downes April 4, 2022

1👍 2👎

will brown

fire red head

will brown's hair is burning

by josh downes April 4, 2022

dan mellor

a young man born with only one testicle

dan mellor only has one ball haha

by josh downes March 21, 2022

Charlotte Kiefer

Very rubbish at everything

charlotte kiefer is very rubbish at everything lol

by josh downes November 30, 2021

4👍 1👎

very gay person

Someone who loves giant cockes inside them. For example Albert Mathew

Look, it's albert. He's a very gay person.

by josh downes November 5, 2021

15👍 7👎