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post cool

a heightened state of self-awareness where there is no trying, just being. An ego-less cool.

"That event was post cool. Nobody was trying to impress, yet everyone was highest vibe, and was impressive af."

by jscult May 19, 2018

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post cool

An elevated, effortless and ego-less version of cool. Not trying, just a state of being. See also flow consciousness.

Maor is post cool. Life just flows through him.

by jscult May 5, 2018


One who goes beyond talking of the problem to courageously, innovatively, positively solution-ing the problem.

Proactvists are the 2020 version of activists as they create new systemic containers for things to thrive. Activists stir the shit, Proactivists move us beyond the blame and shame game that perpetuates the concentric, angry, non-listening, divisive circle that often shackles us in the mess that we are in, to allow for new ideas to take hold, ease-full onramps for easy self enroll. Support small businesses and benefit companies that are proactively addressing the world’s biggest challenges with joy-filled solutions as a Proactivist.

by jscult June 14, 2020


When something is cool, and cozy, in the way it makes you feel.

"One Golden Thread clothing is super coolozy. They are long, they have a golden thread, they make me feel cool, they make feel cozy. They are perfect." - Edward Sullivan

by jscult December 6, 2020

Tree Shirt

A t-shirt made of regenerative tree fiber, dedicated to ethical practices that are good from Earth, and will return to Earth versus plasticizing the planet.

One Golden Thread offers the Tree Shirt, which innovates with nature, to connect to our inner nature, and with a model of regeneration, plants a tree to replenish Earth.

by jscult January 8, 2021


To share gifts from a place of channeled genuineness, without trying to please, without performing.

e.g. A "rawthentic" share.

Victory was singing so genuinely from her heart, her performance was risen to a level of prayerformance.

by jscult November 1, 2022

regenerative fashion

Clothing made from ethically-sourced materials, with a business model that regenerates natural resources at a greater rate than it takes to produce.

One Golden Thread is a environmentally-regenerative fashion brand, planting trees at a greater rate than it takes to create the clothes the For Benefit makes.

by jscult October 26, 2020