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Jell-O Pudding Poop

When you have soft stool and every time you wipe a little more squeezes out, requiring yet another wipe.

Similar to Crayola Shit, only there’s more soft pudding-like poop with each wipe instead of just brown streaks.

I used a whole roll of toilet paper because I was having Jell-O Pudding Poops and it just wouldn’t end.

by jubbajubba October 8, 2021

Crayola shit

When, no matter how many times you wipe, there’s always a streak of shit on the toilet paper.

I had a Crayola shit so intense that I used a whole roll of toilet paper and still wasn’t clean.

by jubbajubba October 8, 2021

pink boxing glove

When you’re fisting your partner and it goes horribly wrong, resulting in your partner’s rectum being pulled out and remaining on your hand like a glove.

“I got a bit too rough my partner and ended up with a pink boxing glove.”

by jubbajubba October 1, 2018