ban-a-this-tic: something so big its hard for the human brain to comprehend
the biggest black hole ever (ton 18) is banathistic!
go-te-go-an: someone who is always trying to leave
mike was a real goutegon at the party last night
agaramatentheouapithicuratapithicuoipianmarithmatic is a word that is invented just for the purpose of being unpronounceable
and also it was invented to be the biggest wor
man i wanted to tell you this word but its so long and unpronounceable that i had to write it down: agaramatentheouapithicuratapithicuoipianmarithmatic
pa-la-ba-lis-tic: someone who is drunk and is going crazy and being dangerous
oh no! john has gone palablistic again!
arith-matic-eon-opia-kerip-eon-las-e-o-sus-ack-er-so-na-per-ith-me-on-ra-siss-l-o-e-pee-on-jar-ith-on-ka-sa-po-tus-e-us-o-er-eth-e-on-o-saurus: the only reason this word exists is to be the longest and hardest to pronounce
arithmaticionopiakeripeonlasioususackersonaperithmeonrasissleoepeonjarrithonkasapotusiousoerithionosouras is the longest word
a person you do not like or someone who always ruins the fun
man that guy jason is a real FLARF
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