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an amazingly cute guy that wears beanies

czarina "who are you texting?"
justine "just this guy... hes a total lyrad"

by juhstaine February 16, 2009

10👍 10👎


a person with a mole on their eyebrow;
a dog

greg "my girlfriend is so cute"
justine "youre girlfriend is a eunice, duh ofcourse she's cute"

by juhstaine February 16, 2009

46👍 198👎


a very angry; unhappy person.
a person that never smiles in pictures.

photographer "everyone smile now... 1.... 2...."
guy 1 "wait hold on my friend is being an angerbert!"
guy 2 "YEAHHH make him smile please."

by juhstaine February 16, 2009

2👍 2👎