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tramp juice

Bottom shelf booze favoured by homeless alkies, the Scottish and teenage chavs trying to get pissed on the cheap.

Tennents Super, Special Brew, Buckfast, Ice Dragon, White Diamond, Diamond White, Zepplin Cider, Breaker... and the rest

by junky101 March 16, 2005

69👍 13👎


A syringe. Drug slang in the US.

"Hey man I'm sick as shit. You got a spike I can borrow?"

by junky101 February 18, 2005

271👍 110👎

spit back

US slang for methadone which has been taken under supervision at a clinic, stored in the mouth and then spat up for resale. About 5 dollars for 80mls.

All I could score was spit back methadone. Hope I dont hepititis.

by junky101 March 16, 2005

13👍 15👎