A word that simply doesn't fucking exist because no english word has fucking three of the same letters on row in it.
Man 1:"Yo this grassstraw is long!"
Man 2: *silently beats man 1 to death*
A word that simply doesn't exist since no fucking english word consist of three "s" es (No I didn't mean asses.) you moron. Why did you even search for this?
"This grassstraw is really long"
"Man, I don't know if u typed grassstraw with three s:es in your head because it sounds the same, but I'll just pretend you did." *Calmly beating up idiot while yelling agressively*
Word is a slang term commonly used by teenagers when they want to lift up that someone said a really agreeable thing. They agree, short said.
Guy 1: Hey, man your shoes are ugly as fuck!
Guy 2: Shut up! I'm gonna beat you hard as fuck tonight if I see you in 15 seconds!
Friend to guy 2: Word! So you better leave!