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Game Sense

A "sixth sense" that can be achieved to better the way you can play any game. However, it is only achievable through S.Berto.

S.Berto: "F*ck off c*nt, you have no game sense"
Other: "Why must you always swear??"

by justimagine...justsittingthere September 1, 2020

1👍 12👎


A Shimmo is a dominant person who has the ability to switch into SHIMMO mode whenever he pleases. A Shimmo has many skills which includes his divine basketball skills, he can sink shots from anywhere and is always a threat. A Shimmo is also good at looking over your shoulders and making you feel uncomfortable. If you ever see a Shimmo you are in the presence of true greatness

"Dude, I think there is a Shimmo near by I feel very intimidated right now..."

by justimagine...justsittingthere May 6, 2019