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jewish american princess

also known as a J.A.P, (not to be confused with the ethnic slur) jewish american princesses are known for wearing overpriced clothes such as aviator nation. people often describe J.A.P's as bratty and spoiled

Hey did you see Jessica's new golden goose?

Isn't that her 10th pair? She is such a J.A.P! (jewish american princess)

by juuulia12 January 27, 2021

21👍 4👎


What is a J.A.P? (Not to be confused with the ethnic slur)
A J.A.P stands for "Jewish American Princess." A jap is a jewish girl that grew up in a wealthy household and neighborhood, typically in the east coast. Japs are known for being "bratty and snotty" as well as wearing overpriced clothes. Japs will usually have a huge bat mitzvah, and in the summer they can be spotted at a sleep away camp with their other "jappy" friends.

What does a Jewish American Princess wear?
Here are a few overpriced brands/stores that a jap will shop at:
Aviator Nation - Loungwear

Golden goose
Roller rabbit
(and many more)

Have you seen Jessica's new Golden Goose?
Isn't this her 10th pair? She is so jappy.
I know, right? She's such a J.A.P!

by juuulia12 January 27, 2021

31👍 14👎