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Probably the most useless, boring, and irrelevant class you will ever take in high school. Topics of study include the Pythagorean Theorem, virtually impossible to complete proofs, dumbass angle relationships, and so on. Sadly, this class is required to graduate and does nothing but drop your GPA. Teachers of this course usually are irritating and have no idea how to teach. Anyone who manages to get anything above a C+ in this class is either; a cheater, has no life, or is sucking the teacher's dick.

I asked Siobhan why she was crying , her response; geometry.

Along with other math teachers, teachers of geometry are usually ugly, uptight old womenand effeminate balding men with gray beards.

by jxw360 August 15, 2016

9👍 3👎


Teachers are people who deal with obnoxious children and teenagers for pretty crappy pay. Most of them are usually ignorant, unprofessional, have no idea what they are teaching, have no clue how to run a classroom and 9 times out of 10 hate their job and take it out their students by not teaching anything and giving faulty pop quizzes on material we haven't even learned. However, not all teachers are like this; some actually care for their students and want to see them succeed in life, but unfortunately about 60% of teachers are as described above, which is why our youth are becoming more and more ignorant, uneducated and numb to the real world.

Good Teachers: Good morning everyone, I hope you had a nice weekend, let's get started on this fun lab I have planned for you today!
Bad Teachers: Everyone shut up! Sit down! Do the freakin bellwork! You brats get on my last nerves!
Good Teachers: I hope this art project is enjoyable for you guys it is due in 2 months.
Bad Teachers: You're geometry assignment is to do 55 written proofsthat show angle A is congruent to angle P, and it is due tomorrow worth 200 points, which is 80% of your grade.
Bad Teachers: Are you chewing gum!? 3 weeks of In School Suspension!Go to the office now!

Good Teacher: Would you throw away your gum please, sweetie.

by jxw360 July 12, 2016

1👍 2👎


When you're playing a video game and you reach a level that is too hard, so you have someone else beat it for you and they get into it so much, to the point where they won't give you the controller back, and you have to remind them that you're taking turns by saying "turnsies."

After Joe wouldn't give me the controller back from beating the hardest level in the game, I had to remind him we were taking turns by saying turnsies .

by jxw360 July 17, 2016


Daddy (noun, slang)- A middle aged man (35+) that looks good and especially good for his age. Girls are attracted to him and they are often much younger than he is (late teens, early 20s). A "daddy" may often also date or pursue younger girls. A daddy is not to be confused with a sugar daddy, a sugar daddy is not always good looking and almost always has money. A daddy can be of any social class but is usually middle class or upper class. There are many celebrity "daddies"; Brad Pitt , George Clooney, etc. and they are often spammed and bombarded on social media such as Instagram and Twitter with many comments simply stating "daddy". The female version of a "daddy" is mama or mommy examples: Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Aniston to name a few.

Kimberly was such a super fangirl to the point where she spammed the actor's Instagram with "daddy" comments.

by jxw360 August 4, 2016

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