Source Code

how it does?

what's up, how's it going?
often used to mock those who greet with "what it do?" or "what it is?" by using even worse grammar.

"How it does?"
"Hello. Man you talk stupid!"

by k streezy April 6, 2009

11👍 5👎


the state a homosexual is in when his or her being gay is no longer big news.

"I'm fagotten."
"None of my straight male friends seem to care that I want to stick it in them anymore."
"I'm sorry?"
"No, I like it that way."

by k streezy April 6, 2009

2👍 1👎

the titties

fantastic looking breasts

"you like Carmen?"
"yeah man, she's got the titties."

by k streezy April 6, 2009

8👍 12👎