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I have an uncanny feeling the people writing most of these definitions are australians. Tut tut boys! Im a kiwi and hail from the north island: one of the 2 that make up our beautiful country. New zealand is still a member of the commonwealth but gained its strong and unique national idenity during world wars one and two. At the moment new zealand has terrible youth drinking problems (our legal age is 18) and a shot high school qualification called NCEA. But other then that new zealand is beautiful and its spring so all the lambs are frolicing! Speaking of lambs, sheep shagging is a joke of the past as i believe our dairy industry is gaining presedence, so there! Anyway all you american tourists, come to the land of the long white cloud and visit australia too...if you must.

wow, those young kiwi males drink far too much. But i bet they'll still pass ncea and go ont o become established dairy farmers. Here come some american tourists!

by k-lin October 4, 2006

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