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A remark you can direct at a stranger when they do something in your presence that you find sexually offensive.

At a restaurant or cafe, a waiter brushes up against you making it out like it was accidental despite him having plenty of room to move about between the tables.
You yell out so the whole floor of diners can hear clearly: "WHAT ARE YOU A FUCKING FAGGOT OR SOMETHING?!"

by kam75xx February 4, 2023

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Back da fuck up nigga

Back da fuck up nigga. If someone tells you to back da fuck up nigga, you better do as he says....
or you'll get smacked the fuck up.

Some youtube prankster came up to me asking if I wanted to kiss his ass. I said 'back da fuck up nigga.'
He wouldn't so I gave him a solid right hook and broke his jaw.

by kam75xx July 12, 2019

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Insult - an idiot, dumbass, dickhead

Man landed on the moon in 1969 you punst!

by kam75xx March 29, 2018

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don't be a fag

The greatest advice you can give to a friend that's acting gay. Because friends don't let their friends become fags.

Your friend: Dude, that shirt so matches your complexion.
You: Bro, don't be a fag.

by kam75xx October 21, 2021

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Rodney Rude

An Aussie legend and comedian icon known for making his audience piss themselves laughing. Takes the piss out of anything including McDonalds, Pizza Hut (they can go and get fucked!), poofters, faggots, Elton John, Freddie Mercury, policemen, Poms, Indians, Irish, Italians and other geezers.

Best known for his merciless tearing apart of stupid hecklers, his famous laugh 'heeee-heeeeeee'. And "I HATE THAT".

GET RUDE ON!!! Rude: "Yeah, yeah, you can laugh....I'm the one that gets all the roots around here boy. The difference between a 12 inch cock and an onion..nothing. They both bring tears to your eyes.

Rude: "It's time for another poofter joke!"

Pommy Heckler: "you rule the world.."
Rodney Rude: "Yeah I know that fuck-face. I'm fucking good. Whereas you mate, if you were a grain of rice you couldn't do an impression of a fucking maggot!"

Rude to heckler: "Aww piss off mate. What'd ya celebrating your first head job you didn't like the taste? Fuck off mate."

Audience member: "What else do you hate?"

Rude: "I'll tell you what I hate mate. I hate it when you fucking a jar of Pegs paste and your family walks in. And they want the pegs paste. Pisses me off."

by kam75xx August 9, 2012

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Any type of fashion that is worn with a mask when non the street.

Bro, what the fuck are you wearing that mask for?

Oh it's just the latest fashion trend called Covid Street wear.

by kam75xx January 25, 2022

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A new website created by faggots for faggots that monitors allegedly homophobic language on Twitter -- specifically words such as "faggot," "poofter", "queer", "so gay," "no homo," and "dyke".

"Dude you are such a fucking queer eyed gay faggot poofter! Like seriously, what guy talks about sucking another guy's cock? That is so gay it is gay beyond all belief. Like seriously, no amount of no homo is enough." - is the sort of stuff that nohomophobes.com tracks.

by kam75xx October 21, 2021