Mustardmony is the act of combining two half-full bottles of mustard to form one full bottle.
Unless you have squeeze bottles mustardmony is a slow process.
MexiPepsi is the Pepsi version made in Mexico and contains real sugar.
MexiPepsi and Mexicoke contain real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.
Who the administrator of a Facebook or Forum page appoints to take care of the small day-to-day problems that arise.
I don't have time to deal with this issue right now. I'll just get an Adminion to work on it.
Forgetting you are coming from or going to a new place and ending up messed up because you followed your old routine.
On the Simpsons the robot told Homer it couldn't go with him because they had to stay on the yellow line.
I was half way to my old apartment when I stopped, smacked my forehead and said, "Dummy you are yellowlining to a place you no longer live!"
A combination of Christmas and Catholics. Christlics are Catholics who only attend church on Christmas.
I went to church on Christmas and had to stand in the back because the Christlics took all the seats.
When you have more than 3 cats and one has a batch of kittens you have to take catventory otherwise you can't leave or go to sleep.
I was walking the neighborhood at 2am whispering "Here kitty kitty" because my catventory came up one cat short.