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A cryptocurrency term for safe popularized by the Bizonnaci YouTube channel after the CEO of Binance tweeted “Funds are safe.”

“The exchange I use got hacked!”

“Oh no, are your funds safu?”

“My coins better be safu!”

by karbonbased July 22, 2018

295👍 40👎


A portmanteau of gross and acne. Acne that is particularly gross characterized by red blisters, large areas and pus.

"I thought she looked hot but when I got up close she had grossne."

by karbonbased June 2, 2017

1👍 1👎


A derogatory term for a coiner (or someone who uses cryptocurrency).

The term is used for someone who holds a crypto portfolio that losses a lot of value in a short period of time and defends there hodlings.

They like watching their wallet get fucked.

“Oh my god, did you see this tweet? He’s saying a new bull market is starting.”

“Hahaha, typical coincuck!”

by karbonbased August 6, 2018


A fashion style characterized by the use of multiple pastels with complete disregard for what actually looks good.

"Look at that sorbet douchebag"

by karbonbased August 3, 2016

18👍 3👎