Katy High School is a secondary school located in Katy, Texas, United States and serves grades 9 through 12. It is a part of the Katy Independent School District. Katy High School opened in 1898 to serve the children of the local rice farmers, the first graduating class was in 1900. The mascot is the Tigers. The Tigers have a long-standing tradition of excellence in Football, winning state in 1959, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2008.
Some graduates from Katy High include
Clint Black - country singer
Eric Heitmann (1998) - NFL football player
Ryan Mouton (2004) - NFL football player for the Tennessee Titans
Renée Zellweger (1987) - actress, Academy Award Winner
Who has the best football team in all of Texas?
Katy High School does!
28👍 38👎