wotever minger- MEANING- shut it you ugly fucker your wasting my time.This can be said or if you have the time shown with hand movements. Using ur thumb and index finger make a W by pressing the tips of ur thumbs and holding ur index fingers out straight then while keeping ur thumbs together twist it over to make a M and there you have it Wotever Minger.
Chris: Hey can u buy me a drink?
Me: Uh....Nah
Chris: I swear u owe money????
Me: um....wotever minger(said and use of hand movements)
15π 5π
The day before the new year. No one really gives two shits about it being a new year, but it's a good excuse to get pissed/laid so who's complaining.
258π 95π
From Linnie at the Plicko.com forums, 10-q is a short way of saying thank you.
10-q very much"
20π 12π
Wen sum 1's chattin a laod of shit that u dnt really give 2 fucks about u jus say bothered or does this face look bothered then simply walk of, alternatively you could say wotever minger
Random person: U'll never guess what happened last weekend blah blah blah
Me: Does this face look bothered
R.P: yes
Me: Wotever minger
68π 74π
The state george bush draws people into. The majority of americans' perspective of reality. Someone who has no remorse in killing another human. Someone addicted to life and mind altering substances. Someone who believes the world is a better place with the USA in control.
it's a shame you are so blind, which is leading you to not being able to understand things. Blind is a simple mind!
54π 60π