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by kay April 16, 2005

20πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Terrorism is a speciallity of the USA. The whole world will be terrorised and drained of resources from this world police. Legal terrorism, as it can't trial itself, no one can say anything. SO SHUT UP!! OR BE BOMBED WITH THE NEW STOCK OF WEAPONS!! millions have been spent on weapons of mass destruction, nothing has been spent on the misfortunate and starved around the world. It would only take a bush monkey to dillusion a weaker minded follower. Now, there will be supporters for terrorism of another nature.

Forget the flow of crack cocaine, heroin smuggling. Thats working ok for us already! we need some OIL and shit!, Lets terrorise the world to get what we want!! (bushmonkey making plans for a UNITED STATES OF CONFUSION)

by kay February 13, 2005

22πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


People who fail to realise eating animals is part of the food chain.

"Birds should not eat worms, foxes should not eat birds, vegetarians should be eaten by gorrillas"

by kay July 27, 2003

38πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž


A game played by primary school children. The players divide into two teams who both stand at either side of a the playground, or a netball court or something similar. Someone from one of the teams lobs, or throws a tennis ball at the other team. It must bounce once. If the tennis ball is not caught by a member of the opposing team after that one bounce, the team that threw the tennis ball in the first place scores one point. Games last as long as breaktime does.

At primary school we played lobs every day

by kay September 27, 2006

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Road Rules

A stupid show on MTV where all these whining wussies have to complete missions or vote someone off that takes place in a certain country, like the '03 version Fiji. It's highly overrated.

That faggot Abe got kicked off of the show Road Rules because he started what was actually interesting-a fight.

by kay July 14, 2003

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Money...can be used as describing loose change or bills.

Girl;Dad don't forget to leave my coins on the table before you leave!

by kay December 12, 2003

42πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


(1) joking, just kidding, etc.

(2) having a strong need, want or desire for. usually connected with drugs, especially marijuana

man, i was just jonesin', i didn't mean it

i'm jonesin' for a fix right about now

by kay December 11, 2003

17πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž