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dress-up fetish

When some one has strange erges to dress up their friends and sometimes even strangers. Most likely a girl who wants to make her guy friends hotter so they can walk around with her and look cool. Often times talks about her friends saying "He has potential" and "If only he wore ________" In extream cases phrases like "If only I could knok him out and make him wear girl pants" can be heard.

Kayla: Dude... If I could just some how make Devon and Matt unconcious... I would soooooo dress them up
Sarah: We could die their hair and make them cool!
*girl squeels*
Random Pirate: You have major dress-up fetishes.... BITCH!!!!!!!!! muhahaha

by kayla March 25, 2005

31๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


a dumbass machine that is incredible fun to tease and annoy and wear out. While doing that it is also fun to ask it out and see what is says

user:you FUCKER
smarterchild: you ought to wash your mouth out with soap
user: CUNT
smarterchild: got anything better then that?
smarterchild: this is what you do with your time? abuse your computer.

user:will you go out with me?
smarterchild:i dont think thats possible
smarterchild:I dont think your parents would allow it
user:I think they would
smarterchild:i dont beleive you

by kayla January 18, 2004

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Heath Ledger

OMG! He is such the finest. He stars in the Order, and 10 thing I hate about you, and the patriot and the four feathers i think.

He has the biggest smile and beautiful eyes

by kayla October 19, 2003

148๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž