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priviliged white kids who subsribe to the hippie lifestyle (because they can) since they have no worries about money, a job etc. They can then devote their lives to eating organic, following Phish, and wearing dreadlocks (no need for job interviews).

Sarah is a trustafarian. It's totally evidenced by the combination of her brand new car and nice digs with her "earthy" clothes and dreadlocks.

by kayla December 3, 2003

1340πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž


a sunburn that could ulimately lead to skin cancer

"damn, look at this scancer"
"My scancer really hurts right now"
"could you pick up some aloe for my scancer?"

by kayla December 2, 2004

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


What they call machines in Final Fantasy 10.
Often used by video game nerd when refering to a new electonic item.

Ex 1: "OMFGZ! Tidus! Its a machina!"
Ex 2: "That PSP you have is a fine peice of machina."

by kayla September 4, 2005

17πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

kyra sanders

A beautiful young lady that always has fun no matter what she does and how she does it in a smart and intelligent

I would love to be Kyra sanders

by kayla January 23, 2017

do you want to fuck

see emo
just kidding.
phrase used to express deep feelings for another person. or a spur of the moment thing which is 9184932479324 times more popular

door: knock knock
tim answers door
lisa: would you like to buy some cookies?
tim: do you want to fuck?
lisa: ok!

by kayla March 3, 2004

47πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

"v" muscle

the hottest muscle that a guy could have. it is the line of muscle starting by the hip bone and ending as far down as possible(by the groin)

"That lifeguard is sooooooo hot. Look at his bod especially his "v" muscle"
oooo lala

by kayla March 12, 2005

129πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

vitamin r

ritalin, specifically when used by a college student without adhd to complete a large assignment.

sarah i just got to get me some vitamin r to finish that 20 page history paper. hook me up.

by kayla January 23, 2004

175πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž