Source Code


Polymorph: Poly = "many" + Morph = "form" Hence, manyformed.

Republicans wrap themselves in the flag, create jobs and say they are patriotic but are polymorphic in action because they
ship jobs to China, ship the middle class and poor to war and
sell their souls and asses to businessmen who are anything but. See the polymorph change color and form as soon as the bullets fly.

by kb June 19, 2006

10πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


a hollow, muscular organ in a vertebrate animal that recieves blood from the veins and pumps it through the arteries by alternate dilation and contraction.

heart attack! GA!

by kb July 6, 2003

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a gay man who pitches and sometimes receives.

A giver and a taker.

by kb December 17, 2004

4πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Hot Chick who attaches her shirt with only 2 button at the top and reveals her sexy flat stomach.


by kb October 30, 2003

20πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Annapolis, Maryland
(Naptown, Murdaland)

1:"Where you from"
2:"Naptown, Murdaland"


by kb October 13, 2004

193πŸ‘ 251πŸ‘Ž


best SOAD song EVER.

I'm not there all the time ya know, some people, some people, some people call it insane! yeah they call it insane sugar!

by kb April 27, 2003

135πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž


A collapsing of the phrase "sharp and short".

Let's keep this speech shorp.

by kb November 3, 2004

15πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž