A fumarium is a room which is specifically provided and furnished for smoking, generally in buildings where smoking is otherwise prohibited.
defines any anti-semitic -or purely anti-jewish- moment or period in time.
Sumerian god EnKi -and his Orion/Aryan Order- is the source for all the EnKi Time(s) the Israelites had to live through
the genocide tradition shaped by a revanchist and discriminatory attitude towards the Israelites and Jews
KanYe shifted to (aryan)Orion state of mind and now it feels like itâs EnKi time for jucie.
a monologue where acronyms and hypocorism kicks in and resides
bobby language is very much spoken through CVs and/or resumes
a natural born evil person practicing his/her own -extemely- evil thoughts upon a person or a group of innocent people
.. he finds each and every youngling in the hood and abuses them, which is how two mothers from the hood spot that birth vader around our kids.
music for adults only
"Fuck me forever" by Connie Lingus , "Sit on my face" by The Echoes and "Uranus is out tonight" by James Lee Meadows are my favourite old time Schwing Pop hits.
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hey La Tanya! why you pumped that cabron dioxide to our street, ho? You know Malone's gonna get him soon..
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