the distinguished mood between two or more people when not only the emotions match but the frequencies, too
a heart to heart relation requires a hertz to hertz frequency match before all
"islas malvinas is a jackground" is a statement of contradictions.
a person who lost his/her wisdom
if homo sapiens means "the wise one" then nomo sapiens should be the one who lost his/her wisdom, right?
creative content provider for online and/or offline media
attention mechanics are the guys behind all the internet buzz created around the world
being in the state of constant dancing and fun for a limited time
stay home. keep the vibe in gwarantine
an upgraded version of a yes man who is ready to accept everything he is asked to execute
when i say "you will take me to Loop Skywalker now..", you will say "I take you to Loop Skywalker now..".
something you have wanted very much for a long time and it still didn't happen, now.
For her, making the Olympic team has been a dream com truise. She owns a donut shop right by the corner, now.