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A Dinodrink is any one of a number of alcoholic beverages imbibed by Dino Martin, including Dino's fav J&B scotch.

Our pallie desirin' to emulate his idol Dino Martin always makes his Dinodrink J&B.

by kentsmokerguy October 8, 2006

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Dinocharm is that power and quality of pleasin' and delightin'...that attractiveness that Dino Martin exudes from his totally amazin'persona of total coolness, hipness, and randiness.

Hey pallies, like I gotta confess that I am like totally smitten by Dinocharm.....I just can never ever get enough of our Dino's cool, hip, and randy ways.

by kentsmokerguy March 11, 2008

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Dinoloaded is that state of bein' when one has taken in huge quanities of the comedy, music, actin' of Dino Martin to the point where they are full of Dinopleasure.

Our pallie is totally Dinoloaded havin' listened to several Dino Martin CDs and watched a bunch of Dino Martin movies.

by kentsmokerguy September 4, 2006

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Dinodevotion is that act of commitment to the life and teachings of the coolest dude to ever walk the face of the planet, Dino Martin.

Our pallie showed his Dinodevotion by watching a dozen Dino Martin flicks in the course of 24 hours.

by kentsmokerguy October 5, 2006

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Dinostudies is that branch of studies that focuses on readin', observin', and researchin' the life, times and teachin's of the King of Cool, Dino Martin.

I hope to do my PHD in Dinostudies, studyin' under the cool tutelage of Dr. K, a dude full of Dinopassion and a true Dinoholic for Dinosure.

by kentsmokerguy May 1, 2008


Dinophilosophy is that system of values by which Dino Martin lived his life and taught others to live through his career as singer, actor, and commedian.

My pallie has been studyin' hard tryin' to learn the Dinophilosophy taught by our Dino so that he can emulate our great man in every Dinoway.

by kentsmokerguy March 25, 2008


Dinoapproval is that favorable regard....the commendation that all true Dinoholics have for their great man Dino Martin.

All my Dinodevoted pallies have such deep and intense Dinoapproval for the life and times of Dino Martin...wantin' to emulate our great man in every possible Dinoway.

by kentsmokerguy April 6, 2008

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