Source Code

Just make it to friday

A never-ending loop that many students find themselves in, focusing profusely to get through all of the days in the way just to make it to friday.

"Just make it to friday" mfs after realizing it is 6 PM on a Sunday

by keyboard8 September 8, 2024


1. The process of decreasing the size of vocal chord tissue in dogs to soften the loudness of barking

2. The removal of bark from wood

1. I find debarking to be extremely unethical

2. The wood is debarked and then cut into equally sized planks

by keyboard8 August 18, 2024

I will shit yourself

To shit in the garments of another human being, usually while they're wearing them.

Guy 1: And that's checkmate! Good game!
Guy 2: I will shit yourself.
Guy 1: ...what?

by keyboard8 August 19, 2024

man or bear

a question posed on the internet whether a woman would consider herself being safer while alone in the forest with either a man or wild bear.

I asked her "man or bear" and she was the only girl by far to pick the man

by keyboard8 August 8, 2024

turn her straight

No, no you can't

1: Damn, look at dat ass!
2: That's Paige, she's lesbian
1: Really? I can turn her straight.
2: Dude...

by keyboard8 September 12, 2024


A small, inexpensive submerisble in the video game Subnautica. It's wrecks can be found all over the map, including one in the Aurora itself. Though it's power supply it's pretty small so it's beneficial to bring a spare power cell in case of running out of energy.

I swear I'm making my 3rd Seamoth by now, these fucking reaper leviathan's suck

by keyboard8 August 25, 2024


The local disk

The ransomware opened a drop down menu of which file it should delete and the only thing there was

by keyboard8 August 13, 2024