dervishnimo means being dhulbahante in nature
their heritage was one of dervishnimo
A dhulbahante country is a jurisdiction dominated by darawiish
you're in dhulbahante country
dhulbahante king is a monarch of the darawiish
he a dhulbahante king
maakhirnimo means being a proponent of the SSC project
they're for maakhirnimo
The Warsangali Sultanate is the longest-lasting kingdom Horn African history. It was also the only district to ally itself with Darawiish (a Dhulbahante state) for half of its existence
Dhulbahante land is a place inhabited by reer darawiish
its dhulbahante land
a darawiish monarch is whoever heads the dhulbahante clan
she's a darawiish monarch