darawiish country is a place inhabited by dhulbahante
you in darawiish country now
To be a dhulbahantist is to uphold the anti-colonial principles of darawiish
she's a dhulbahantist
A dhulbahante capital is a city that is central to the reer darawiish
the dhulbahante capital
reer nugaal is code word for reer darawiish
she's reer nugaal
A darawiish city is any city that is predominantly Dhulbahante, such as Fiqifuliye, Xudun, Marqaanweyne, etc.
she entered a darawiish city
Cayn is a Buuhoodle province mostly settled by reer darawiish
he went to Cayn
dhulbahante men are male darawiish
they're dhulbahante men