1. Vampire food, and also god food (see soma)
2. semen(derived from the phrase beat it), also called cum
3. blood(derived from a beating heart); alternatively the blood of christ.
4. the guts of dead beetles - specifically scarab beetles which are a form of dung beetles(this is an anal sex reference
5. an abstract term for drum beats, specifically lound ones such as those coming from a boom box.
6. a cartoon character
7. in its original form, betelgeuse, it is a star representing the right arm of Orion, the high preyst/hunter (his other arm is called bellatrix, another masturbation joke). in astrology, it is the marker star for the 6th lunar mansion: "Moon in Gemini". Astrologers will joke and call this a "shooting star".
8. In the catholic church, if you drink this you have been beatified, which means blessed.
9. it is often associated with the boogie man
10. another word for he-brew
11. in greek culture, it is known as the river stix
12. another name for benjamin, derived from "son of my right hand"
The second time Joe came, there was beetlejuice all over his chest. All the catholics quickly drank it up as it is their favorite drink.
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