Source Code

Eight Life Crisis

Where individuals aged 10-17 have a "life crisis" only, not.
Usually take up smoking,drugs,drinking, self-injury or become bisexual.

Billy: "My world is falling apart"

by kimmy booth July 18, 2005

11πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

The "Merlin"

a wizard with a long beard and a pointy hat with stars on it

not to be confused with 'Gandalf the grey', like i did, around lots of people. in the movies IT JUST GETS WORSE

by kimmy booth January 19, 2005

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Karl Marx

.Lived 1818-1883
.German historian
.Social scientist
.Wrote Communist Manifestowith Fredrich Engles in 1848
.Wrote Das Kapital in 1848

"i get wet dreams thinking about communism"
"Tell that to Cambodia, you lazy fuck"

by kimmy booth June 1, 2005

380πŸ‘ 184πŸ‘Ž

Karl Marx

.Lived 1818-1883
.German historian
.Social scientist
.Wrote Communist Manifestowith Fredrich Engles in 1848
.Wrote Das Kapital in 1867

"i get wet dreams thinking about communism"
"Tell that to Cambodia, you lazy fuck"

Go on..Quiz me on Marx...i dares ya..

by kimmy booth June 5, 2005

37πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


A dumbass who should REALY get a life

Angry Dude#1:"Dude, ur such a loser!"
Angry Dude#2: "Yer man, wtf's wrong with you"
Sad Dude: "Im Majic....man"

by kimmy booth March 3, 2005

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The easiest way to get an unpleasant disease...

'Dude, I got a venereal'
'Was it worth it?'
'Oh yeahhh...'

by kimmy booth July 21, 2005

1551πŸ‘ 892πŸ‘Ž


Most polluted city in Australia, yet the greatest

*Cough cough* Im dying..
Oh have another drink and sum beads

by kimmy booth June 20, 2005

69πŸ‘ 321πŸ‘Ž