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fifty fifty

A girl who is otherwise ugly, but appears good from a distance, or when driving by at high speed.

Good from far, but far from good.

That chick is a total butterface. Fifty feet away or fifty miles an hour.

by kindgeezer July 20, 2004

16👍 13👎

the faint

second greatest band ever from Omaha, NB.

dance punk is sweeping the nation!

by kindgeezer October 19, 2004

55👍 24👎


The more accessible half of At the Drive In. Sparta made two tremendous albums in the same time it took The Mars Volta to put out 15 minutes of listenable material surrounded by 60 minutes of pretentious, prog-rock, Zeppelin rip-off, utterly boring nonsense.
I have listened to all three CD's, and seen both of these bands live, and conclude that Sparta is far superior.

"Man, I got totaly lost listening to the new Sparta record last night with my girlfriend."
"Really, I just listened to the Mars Volta album and fingered my anus 'till the sun came up!"

by kindgeezer August 26, 2004

26👍 58👎


The best show on HBO. Vincent Chase's homeboys: turtle, johnny bravo, and E(ric).

Johnny Bravo: Hey Luke, you still doing that project with Wes?
Luke Wilson: Ya, we start filming in the spring.
JB: Did they find someone to play the sidekick yet?
LW: Ya, fortunately my brother's going to do it.

by kindgeezer October 19, 2004

57👍 122👎