A school is a place you learn. However, it seems like a jail but is hell! The only good thing is, the food, the food is the best, awesome and just good!
Cassy: I'm going to jail tomorrow.
daisy: you got arrested!?
Cassy : no, no I'm going to school.That's all
consey is nice, sassy, and tall most of the time they are mean and smart to their friends.They are probs the sassiest person you will ever meet and people usually call them daddy long legs for being tall and if u are their friends with her u might call her an idiot well just saying sorry for all the mistakes and have a nice day/night
consey is the best tbh
consey is the best
so where ever your reading this, you have to hit a tall person tomorrow and there are no buts. If no one is taller than you, you will have to hit yourself, I'm sorry
lacy: good luck!!
tom: good luck for what?
lacy: tomorrow is hit a tall person day!!