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Deadmau5 (pronounced "Dead mouse"; born Joel Zimmerman)- a Grammy nominated progressive-house and electro-house producer, DJ, and remixer from Toronto, Canada.

When I hear "house" the first DJ I think "Deadmau5".

by kjbassmastur21 April 19, 2009

1328👍 249👎


An acronym that holds great significance when dealing with a religious retreat for young adults in high school called "Kairos". The acronym's meaning is learned sometime over the course of the retreat. Only people who have gone on a Kairos retreat know what it means and are not allowed to tell anyone who hasn't gone what it means (I have gone). The only way to know what LTF stands for is to go on the retreat yourself.

-LTF 112

"What does LTF mean?" "Have you gone?" "No" "You have to find out for yourself on Kairos then."

by kjbassmastur21 August 21, 2009

83👍 71👎