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Le Fobb

Legitimate Fobb.

Where you convince someone to go away with a valid reasoning (when you might be able to help them)

Usually used to save both parties time

Technical support company's might suggest a client goes to their ISP if they have internet issues to troubleshoot 1st with them, 90% of the time the issue is with the ISP however the techs could have checked a few things prior to confirm this is the case.

If something can be done but its not feasable (ie would cost millions to develop a system to do x y or z for something that's never gonna make money) advising person with request not possible is a Le Fobb

by klansimpson October 17, 2010

1👍 1👎


Tardberry is very similar to the definition of an itard.

When someone has purchased a device because its the 'in thing' or they have friends who have one and have no clue how to use the device or what it actually does.

Slight snipe on the term retard except the only excuse for being a Tardberry is of actual ignorance and natural born stupidity

Someone with a zero IQ with a blackberry who clearly is incapable of helping themselves or learning anything via trial and error.

Someone who buys the device without actually knowing what it is or how to use it, normally struggles with reading and writing as well

One of the prime examples of a Tardberry is a wanna be gangster as they like the instant messaging ability and keyboard for fast 'kill' or 'pizza order' requests to mummykins

by klansimpson October 17, 2010


Fault is External. Typically this is commonly used regarding technology, where someone thinks their device is faulty and when asking someone who is knowledgeable of the device they discover the fault is with the user not the device

Your phone issue was FIE, but if you use it the way I descirbed it should be fine from now on

by klansimpson October 17, 2010

10👍 24👎