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to hangout with someone, normally a close friend.

jennifer: wanna shob tomorrow??
danielle: yes of course!

by koolgalwithabigbootay July 2, 2020

2👍 1👎


the #koolest gal you’ll ever meet. she’s flat chested, and has a semi-big #bootay . has a #rbf but is still #cool .

Alex: “Who is that she’s got a big bootay!”
Ryan: “oh that’s asmyn, she’s really kool”

by koolgalwithabigbootay July 2, 2020


A really tall girl, with short brown hair, and purple glasses. She most likely does cheerleading and is not very good at it. She catches everyone’s attention when she walks through the door because her scent can’t be missed. She claims she is allergic to face mask, deodorant, makeup, perfume, and any general hygiene things you could think of. She has a total of two outfits that she chooses the wear daily, because they’re just so elegant. The boys love watching her cheerleading performance. and even though she’s not great she claims to be the captain, and tells everyone what to do.

Camryn: “Omg Tate, who is that smokin hot girl over there?”
Tate: “oh that’s nora, you should see her cheer!”
Camryn: “i bet she smells so good!”
Tate: “well you can’t miss it, that for sure.”

by koolgalwithabigbootay July 2, 2020

4👍 6👎