Glenbrook South (GBS) is a high school located in a conservative, Christian, and wealthy suburb north of Chicago, Illinois. The high school is predominantly white and filled with spoiled young adults who live in complete oblivion. Want to have a genuine conversation about current social issues? not going to happen here. Students have absolutely no concept of racism, sexism, classism, or homophobia. For fun, students typically go to the movies, bowling, or aimlessly walk around the Glen. When they are not taking part in these activities they are consuming drugs as an escape mechanism due to the fact that they live in Glenview, a boring American suburb.
"Sup bro? After class lets hit up the glen get blazed eat at potbellys sneak into the movies and watch Mr. Poppers penguins. And when we get out I'll call my friends brothers cousin and see if he can pick us up some Keystones so we can drink in my basement (common Glenbrook South pastimes)."
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