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It's a word so missused these days. Never say you love when you don't mean it. Love is when being with someone makes the whole world around you not matter anymore. It's not a feeling. It's a verb, not sex, but liking someone to the point of wanting to be with then forever and wanting to learn everything there is to know about them. When you can think about him and be so amazed, like a scientist seeing something beautiful he doesn't understand. It's easily mistaken so be careful.

"I love you with all my heart. I thought I knew it before, I said it before, but what we have now is nothing close."

"You are my rapture."

I try to study you with a passion but you are so mysterious I can only wonder."

by kupoww88 September 17, 2008

6👍 3👎


An illusion. Time may:
-slip by you without you noticing
-move you through life like a tide
-Drag by slowly

Then there is tyme: hard to explain, it's feeling like you've spent time.
-when you're with the person you love, meeting secretly,and you feel satisfied like it's okay to say goodbye now, even though you don't want to, you've spent tyme.

"I don't feel like I'm living all the time, sometimes I just exist, and time moves me like a tide."

"father morning pushes through my moonlit love so what's sleep? I'm tired, so tired" -AFI

by kupoww88 September 17, 2008

11👍 3👎