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A passive aggressive way of saying ‘get the fuck out of my way’. It is used to not swear but be intimate. It’s origins are from Nigeria but the phrase has slowly drifted to English boarding.

‘Fly-away if you don’t want to get hurt’

by kurumlu18 March 26, 2020

7👍 1👎


Someone who fishes for complements by degrading him self. These people often seek attention rather than support for themselves.

‘I’m so bad at basketball’
‘Stop being a fisher!’

by kurumlu18 March 26, 2020


A Russian slang way of saying ‘eat my ass’. It drifted from russia to UK and is now being used by teenagers.

‘Idiot, bomboclaat’

by kurumlu18 March 26, 2020

4👍 54👎


A Russian slang way of saying ‘eat my ass’. It drifted from russia to UK and is now being used by teenagers.

‘Idiot, bomboclaat’

by kurumlu18 March 26, 2020

3👍 46👎