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The result of fusing Goku and Vegeta using the Potara Earrings. This fusion is permanent until he enters Majin Buu's body and let's down his energy shield, forcing the two to separate due to Buu's magical nature. His fusion dance counterpart is Gogeta.

What do you call a Vegeta and a Goku? Vegito sounds alright.

by kyle.biddle January 5, 2011

89πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


The father of Raditz and Goku (Kakarot). Bardock shares Goku's aptitude for battle and limitless capacity, despite being a "low-level" soldier. Bardock's wife is never referenced or mentioned in any of the dragonball movies or series. His name is a pun on the burdock herb.

Bardock gains psychic powers from a planet where he and his crew recently eradicated an entire race. The last survivor gives the power to his him as a gift so that he can see his son's future, and the fate of his planet and himself. He sees visions of his son growing up to be a good person, planet Vegeta being destroyed, and Goku defeating Frieza.

# Goku (Son)
# Raditz (Son)
# Chi-Chi (Daughter in Law) Ox-King (Brother-In-law)
# Gohan (Grandson)
# Goten (Grandson)
# Videl (Granddaughter-in-law)
# Pan (Great-granddaughter)
# Goku Jr. (Great-great-great-grandson)

Bardock claims that he can remember his actions in his Great Ape form.

Bardock is one of the few saiyans to have gone to outer space and breathe normally, while fighting Frieza and his men.

In the Budokai Tenkaichi games, if Bardock fights Dodoria, Zarbon or Cooler, he states "I'll take you down and then Frieza!".

# It is likely that Bardock was the most powerful lower-class Saiyan soldier of his time. Near the time of his death, Bardock was rumored to have a power level of nearly 10,000, which is said to rival that of King Vegeta.

* This is backed by his ability to defeat Dodoria's Elite, despite being outnumbered 4-1, as well as surviving Dodoria's Mouth Energy Wave. Later on, the heavily-wounded Bardock fights through hundreds of Frieza's troops, on his own, in an effort to reach Frieza's ship. The power levels of the soldiers were not revealed.

Bardock was alive during the Saiyan-Tuffle war, which took place from Age 720 to about Age 730, and likely fought in it.

by kyle.biddle January 12, 2011

55πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Grand Kai

The overseer of the 4 Kais of the universe, King Kai (north Kai), South Kai, East Kai, and West Kai. Everyone in otherworld knows him to be an extremely talent material arts master, and training under him is a very special privilege, attained only by either winning it as a prize, or for training for thousands of years.

The Grand Kai oversees the actions of the 4 Kais, and they watch over their parts of the universe.

by kyle.biddle January 5, 2011

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Tien Shinhan

Tien's full name, a pupil of Master Shen, the crane hermit. He starts off as a bad guy but begins to become good after Master Roshi's lecture, during his fight with Jackie Chun (Roshi in disguise). He is chiaotzu's best friend. He was taught how to fight by Mercenary Tao. He refers to Master Roshi as Master, after defeating Tao, and abandoning his loyalty to Master Shen. Chiaotzu follows suit and also becomes good.

Tien Shinhan is arguably the strongest full blooded human on Earth in Dragon Ball Z. While it has been shown that he is stronger than Yamcha, it has never been further explained who is the strongest out of Tien and Krillin after Tien receives King Kai's training and Krillin receives the Namek Elder's unlock potential boost.

In the English Dub, Tien is the only character, aside from Goku (Son), and Bulma's (Brief) family, to have an official last name stated.

by kyle.biddle January 12, 2011

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Kid Buu

The last villain of the Dragonball Z series. This is Majin Buu's form before he absorbs any of the Supreme Kais, and is even far stronger than Super Buu (Gotenks, Piccolo, and Gohan). In other words, this is his original form that Bibidi first created. Kid Buu has no conscience, he seeks only to destroy and fight strong opponent, he's not very bright either.

Statistically, in terms of kill count, Kid Buu has the highest body count in the Dragon Ball universe, having destroyed several hundred planets worth of people. In total, Kid Buu generates an excessively high body count exceeding the trillions. In the series, Buu is by far the oldest villain, as Bibidi died long before he did. He was sealed inside a cocoon for a very long time as well, about a million years according to Babidi, though this just may be an estimate or exaggeration.

by kyle.biddle January 13, 2011

46πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Android 18

From the dragonball universe, Android 18 is a human remodeled as an android by Dr. Gero. She becomes a good guy after Gohan defeats Cell. Android 17's twin sister, one of the androids created for making Cell perfect. She is slightly less powerful than 17. She becomes Krillin's wife, and has a kid with him named Marin, much to Goku's surprise. She uses computer speak every now and again, demonstrated in her amazement to how Vegeta became so much stronger in such a short time, after training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, saying "It just doesn't compute 16, there's just no way".

Android 18: Whoever owns these clothes should have their optic sensors adjusted. They are obviously malfunctioning.

Said when looking at Chi-Chi's outfits.

by kyle.biddle January 13, 2011

75πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A shape-shifting cat in the dragonball universe, and best friend of Yamcha. He went to shape-shifting school with Oolong, and can hold his form for more than 5 minutes (unlike Oolong). Puar is the second character associated with the Z fighters that is able to fly. Oolong can fly as well, but it requires him to transform into something with wings.

Puar: Only a heartless soul would run and leave his friends behind. We're in this together.

by kyle.biddle January 12, 2011

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž