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The Tough Mudder

Although there has been much debate about the true definition of "The Tough Mudder", the official definition is insurmountable.

The Tough Mudder
/THē təf məd•dər/

While penetrating a female anus with the penis, the penetrator enters a free hand into the vaginal canal. Once accomplished, proceeds to masterbate his penis through her vagina while occupying her anal cavity.

Street names/slangs include;
Brownie beater
Fecal fap
Fisty fap
Mr.Hankey hand job
Mud tug
Over under
Reach through
Smelly jerk

1. The other day Nicole and I pulled off the tough mudder, let me tell you, it is quite possibly the hardest event on the planet.

2. Bro, when Ashley is shmasted face she always wants that brownie beater...I ain't mad.

3. "I let Jimmy do the #mudtug once, now all he wants is a smelly jerk:(" said Becky to the marriage counselor.

by lasvegascashew October 17, 2014

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