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a very nice guy that can be shy when it gets to girls but dosent want to show it, all of his friends know but the girls her self thinks there all joking. andre is a male name and normaly comes from Spain Portugal italy or brazil. an andre can get carryed away by one thing he loves this can be like a computer game or something like that. this guy can also be really romantic when he's not shy but can also be a bit annoying when she wants to be but not always. if your friends with an andre keep them because later on life he might do so much for and you'll really appreciate it, at the moment you may think he's a dick but he's really not!!!

if i was friends with an andre i would keep him for ever and ever and as im a girl i'd properly fall in love with one thair just so greatful my brother is friends with one and there great mates now but there 13 years older then me :/ so remember that if you know a andre keep them to your heart dont ever loose them even if they do something bad to you or someone you love they will relise that they did wrong and try to fix things till every thing gets better!! ;)

by layla lulu December 21, 2011

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