Thiccest bunny on the planet. Millions of people turned gay once they layed eyes on dat azz. It is the only thing thicc with a whopping 80 "c"s. It is so thicc because it is bunny brawler's daddy making him the thiccest thing in the world. Big Chungus is also the best game ever available on ps4 and xbox. He is arguably 10 times thiccer than bunny brawler.
The Chungus tribe needs your help to make them the biggest meme. However, the "chubby bunny" challenge is making fun of the chungus tribe. So big chungus is desperate for your likes. Incase you may decide not to like I will remind you. He never misses.
The chungus tribe is secretely planning to take down the statue of liberty for the big chungus statue. Nobody will miss the statue of liberty anyway. Not with that instead of it
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