biggest, ugliest dike in the world
total suck up 2 the media
stays with a cheating husband so she can run for president
The 666 beast that will cause armageddon
hillary clinton has a snuke in her snizz
205👍 230👎
either some giant douche or some turd sandwich as said in south park
except for ronald reagan
presidents suck up to make it far in politics
16👍 20👎
a man who is sexually attracted to john kerry
he also cares more about becoming president than being with his own family
john edwards tried to feel down kerry's leg
103👍 120👎
I guy who fights in what he belives in and doesnt suck up to the media (like hillary).
doesnt listen 2 any liberal assholes
critisized by many who wish they could be in his shoes
killed the evil fucker saddam hussain
helped the country during 9/11 crisis
593👍 270👎
when a selfish guy nominates himself for a purple heart when his wound is a little scratch
i wanted 2 be considered a war hero
so i pulled a john kerry
74👍 375👎
this biggest ass in america besides marcos (guy who left 2nd definition)
Not only did the idiot cheat on his wife hillary (or should i say husband?) by recieving it orally, he also didnt give a damn about cuba pointing nuclear weapons at America (were lucky we didnt get bombed)
Bill is responsible for saddam having weapons of mass destruction when Bill thought it would be "rude" 2 search Iraq
because of him, saddam still had nukes and with them bombed the world trade centers
How do people talk about how bad Bush is when our last president was Bill Clinton?
30👍 58👎