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the best person in the world! argue with the wall, cynthia fans ☠️

also leon is better than u

leon fan 1: omg,, is that leon!?
leon fan 2: OH EM GEE!
leon fan 1: who is the other guy though
leon fan 2: idc he can go die
leon fan 1: faints of shock because leon
leon fan 2: wake up you stupid bitch who isnt leon

by leon is cool March 9, 2022


my tiktok username, i got logged out though so go to live.laughleon.backup instead

leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon leon

leon is so cool, right? RIGHT? you cant disagree he's super cool

person 1: hey, do you know live.laughleon on tiktok?
person 2: no, who is that?

person 1: this really weird guy who is obsessed with leon from pokémon!
person 2: thats weird
person 1: ikr! he should totally touch some grass!

by leon is cool February 15, 2022