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A woman's problem with crabs

Hey, I bet that bitch has resio down there.

by lester the molester cocknballs March 16, 2009

3👍 2👎


A female who sucks a males testicles during intercourse

Hey bob, guess what! last night julie was like a fucking Gypsy


Suck my balls you fucking Gypsy

by lester the molester cocknballs March 16, 2009

14👍 39👎

Pirate's Gold

Referring to a Female's Vagina

Hey big boy, you want some of this Pirate's Gold?

by lester the molester cocknballs March 16, 2009


A woman who has Anal sex

Hey, see that babe over there?? I bet shes a trooper

by lester the molester cocknballs March 16, 2009

11👍 10👎