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Kyle Busch

Not sure why everyone hates this guy but go off.

Nascar Attendee: FUCK KYLE BUSCH!

by letuslive November 20, 2021

1👍 3👎


Sydney term - pig latin for red: a derivative of “edray othay” meaning “red hot”
Refers to something sus, sketchy or risky.

Sus cunt: Oi bro i’ll sort you outside 7/11
Eshay civilian: Nah bro that’s edray as fuck
Sus cunt: Aight come to the graveyard i’ll meet you at Henry Lawsons ombtay.
Eshay civilian: Eetswa

by letuslive August 7, 2021

Loose Unit

Usually ascribed to someone who has eccentric and unconventional ways; as well as someone who likes to go out on the town and get plastered. Can also be used in a derogative manner by the uninformed...

How good was Amyl and the Sniffers set, Amy Taylor is a real loose unit.

by letuslive May 22, 2022

6👍 2👎


Dangerously swaggy

Sersha can really shine a potato, she's got it all !

by letuslive October 20, 2017