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pharmacoping skills

the means by which one handles the vicissitudes of life according to what and how many drugs are required to that end.

melvin has marvelous pharmacoping skills, his doctor is only to happy to oblige.

by lexicali slim September 8, 2010

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


slang for venereal warts (condyloma acuminata radio mendacious) commonly manifested as fat, soft, moist, pink, or flesh-colored gorgons, typically in the genital area. They may be bloated, gasseous, small or smaller. They often combine to form a large cauliflower-shaped blowhard of a rushlimbaughlike node known to give off noxious gasses and peurile nonsense; the only known venereal disease resulting from terminal onanism

whoa, what's that on your blowhole- you've got glennbeck

by lexicali slim September 26, 2009

180πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

clean coal

egregious, patently absurd public relations campaign proffered by mining companies to reaffirm you are as ignorant as they think you are if you believe there is such a thing as clean coal

clean coal = dirty air

by lexicali slim September 27, 2009

204πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

phelds podge

1) a pox of greed and heedless aquisition marked by
2) earth chancre, an open sore on the planet's crust which often runs bone deep.
3) a condition of decrepitude wrought of abuse and abandonment
4) extreme stultification which, when left unchecked, afflicts its victims with eustace tilley syndrome marked by stove pipe hats and chronic monocle dependency with their noses in the air as if they had not a care.

ever since phelds podge took hold i can't read barron's without my monocle

by lexicali slim September 20, 2009


noun, pl- cies
a system of governance of, for and by women, notably of the objectionable type who thrive on such a system, common to the offices of insurance companies, law offices, healthcare providers and (insert violent, uncontrollable wretching) the bureau of motor vehicles. intolerant to creative solutions, marked by a rigid inflexibilty, antithetical to growth or change, these systems are entrenched by way of a dogmatic adherence to the principle of inertia. like a bad marriage, an estrogenocracy thrives on discord, negativity, vindictiveness and a collective will to affect every aspect of the ostensible mission with the literal and figurative spray of urine. once in effect an estrogenocracy is nigh impossible to dislodge and certain to remain an impediment to a cheerful, productive and pleasant workplace.

oy gevalt, i must renew my driver's license. better is should stick a fork in my eye than venture into that reeking estrogenocracy of the bmv.

by lexicali slim September 26, 2009

50πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž



1)an anagram of "teabagging", appropriately enough, as only the profoundly confused could hope to effect political change by the wholesale waste of an otherwise perfectly sociable drink. the orange pekoe variety sold by the name "constant comment" might have emboldened those who have more to say than is worth hearing.

2)the necessary and intended consequence of "teabagging" in the more entertaining sense of playing paul revere's midnight ride on a loved one's face

leroy: hey, dwayne, i want my country back! let us mail our democrat congressman a bunch of teabags to convey the powerful message of our discontent! don't tread on me!

dwayne: the only message that would convey is that you are a baggeating coffee-drinker, you yutz.

by lexicali slim September 19, 2009

45πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

evil doers

grammatically awkward reference to a gang of putative bad actors

"we will rid the world of the evil doers"

rush limbaugh's maid is an evil doer to cause him to become addicted to prescription pain killers

anyone who disagrees with glenn beck is an evil doer

by lexicali slim September 20, 2009

42πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž