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From the hills in Norn Iron we say that Foundered means we are cold.

The wind would founder ye!

'Am foundered, was standin out there all day long an' near froze!

by libbet May 5, 2006

158👍 10👎


Huge. Even bigger than big. Majorly Massive.

this majassive big humungous box thing nearly squished the lot of them!

by libbet May 5, 2006

3👍 2👎


A small object. A wee tiny thing.

Commonly used by us Irish (the scots tend to use it too)

This room is wild totie.

A totie wee granny was near ran over by this big truck.

A wee totie button fell off it

by libbet May 5, 2006

34👍 15👎