"Woke" describes anyone who understands the following...
If a white person participates in a different culture, that's called cultural appropriation.
If a white person doesn't participate in a different culture, that's called non-inclusive.
If a white person moves into a neighborhood populated by minorities, that's called gentrification.
If a white person moves out of a neighborhood populated by minorities, it's called white flight.
If a white person pays attention to skin color, that's called racism.
If a white person doesn't pay attention to skin color, that's called ignoring racism.
Basically "woke" means understanding white people can't do anything good simply because they were born with white skin.
Yo, I'm woke enough to see that cracker ain't nothing. Black pride!
Y'all need to get woke! That white lady be sellin' pot stickers. That's cultural appropriation! we need to shut her business down!