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lutivity is a guy who 203’s a guy named yc, an uncle of jason and kayden

Did you see lutivity 203 yc again?
It was sick

by ligmajason69 November 25, 2021


dogwater fortnite player, or international ktv popstar

Ayo u heard about the news? YC got clapped by lutivity in a 1v1 78-0

by ligmajason69 January 9, 2022

PUWCN layer

uncle of jason and kayden

Look! its PUWCN layer!

by ligmajason69 November 25, 2021



baguette tries to stream
pepsican watches the stream

by ligmajason69 October 25, 2022

fatneek day

Celebrated on the 23rd of April, to commemorate the first saying of fatneek

ayo mum what day is it tomorrow?

oh tomorrow is the 23rd of April, fatneek day

by ligmajason69 June 24, 2022