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myspace forums

A great place where you can "discuss" basically anything, but you usually wind up with a bunch of people who post random videos of stupid shit and have threads like "Guess what type of shoes the person above you" is wearing... but the myspace forums could have very intelligent topics, especially in the religion and philosophy section, and even that turns out to be 2012 bullshit.

Filled with lots of deleted YouTube videos, spam, trolls, and flame wars.

I discussed about how much of a dork the person above you is on the myspace forums.

by lil duff 2008 August 26, 2008

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chris brown

A wannabe Hilary Duff like singer that is black and sing songs such as Run-It that appeals basically to 14 year old girls and 50 year old men that like these 14 years old girls.

Teenybopper: OMG!! Chris Brown is like so sexy and he is sooo talented... OMG I wanna marry him!!!
Normal 35 year old: Get a life and listen to Hilary Duff/Hannah Montana.

by lil duff 2008 June 18, 2008

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radio disney

A wussed up top 40 station that doesn't play any rock except for the Jonas Brothers and makes kids believe that the Soulja Boy dance is kewl. You may also hear wussed up rock like Hawthorne Heights and Good Charlotte and any new sounding 12 year old sensation, like Hannah Montana or the Clique Girlz. Generally liked by the 8-15 year old age group, but most people that are straight over 14 hates this station.

OMG, check out the new single by the Jonas Brothers, only on Radio Disney.

by lil duff 2008 July 26, 2008

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A teacher that has an attitude and has favorites. Always dressed up such as wearing a tie every day or a dress.

Ms. Tenny is an educator because she wears a teacher suit and uses big words and acts like she knows it all... what a fag!!!

by lil duff 2008 June 17, 2008

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PGA clap

An unenthused clap that is used generally at boring events such as banquets, school assemblies, and church events. Not to mention at a golf match.

Yeah I had to listen to a boring song at a band concert, but I gave the PGA clap just to be polite.

by lil duff 2008 June 16, 2008

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Generation Z

Today's children and teenagers... not Gen Y, which are now currently 20 somethings. Born from 1991-present, these are the kids that are born under a computer and have no past memory of life during the Cold War. They grow up with cell phones, iPod's, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, MySpace, YouTube, and homeland security.

They are similar to the greatest generation and they tend to me more ambitious and more mature than any other generation past the Silent Generation.

My kid loves Hannah Montana and is hooked onto an iPod... she must be a Generation Z person.

by lil duff 2008 June 17, 2008

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1. A pretty decent class where you can learn about anything ranging from the Egyptians to the Rennaissance to World War II, and much more.

2. A channel on TV that basically shows about 10% real history and the rest utter bullshit.

3. Something that overprotective parents check to see if you are looking at porn or something innocent like neopets or Wikipedia.

1. I have history class 4th block... can't wait.
2. How does Ice Road Truckers have to do with History??

3. Dude, look at my history, it is full of xxx porn. Gotta delete it before my mom finds out.

by lil duff 2008 August 15, 2008

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